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毛亚平    博士,教授,博士生导师   [English]

联系电话:+86 0971-6307622















    2019年7月担任《International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems      Theory》副编辑.

    2018年12月担任《Journal of Interconnection      Networks 》客座编辑.

    2017年8月担任《Journal of Algebra, Combinatorics, Discrete Structures and      Applications》编委.












      1. Invited      Talk: Gallai Ramsey Number of Graphs,  the C5 Graph Theory Workshop      2019, Technische Universitat Bergakademie Freiberg, Rathen, Germany,      4/5/2019-11/5/2019.

      2. Invited      Talk: Steiner Distance in Graphs, Chemical Applications of Combinatorics      and Graph theory, Faculty of Science, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training      University, Tehran, Iran, 16/2/2019-22/2/2019.

      3. 2017年7-9月,美国Okaland大学访问学者,合作导师为Eddie Cheng教授.

      4. 2015年1-3月,加拿大Simon Frazer大学访问学者,合作导师为Bojan Mohar教授.


      1. Oganizer   of 2019 International Conference on Colored Graphs, Big Data and      Interconnection Networks,Qinghai, China, 18/7/2019-21/7/2019.

      2. Invited  Talk: Gallai Ramsey Number of Graphs, School of Mathematics, Sun Yat-sen      University, China, 28/6/2019.

      3. Invited  Talk: Steiner Tree Packing Problem and Generalized Connectivity, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,      China, 28/6/2019.

      4. Invited Talk: Gallai Ramsey Number of Graphs, School of Mathematics and      Statistics, Lanzhou University, China, 11/1/2019.

      5. Oganizer of 2018 International Conference on Graphs, Artificial Intelligence and Complex Networks, Xining, Qinghai, China, 28/7/2018-29/7/2018.

      6. Oganizer of the third International Symposium on the Frontier of Graph      Theory, Xining, Qinghai, China, 25/4/2018.

      7. Invited Talk: Steiner Tree Packing Problem and Generalized Connectivity,      Mathematics Forum, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Lanzhou      University, China, 25/11/2017-26/11/2017.

      8. Invited Talk: Steiner Distance in Graphs, The 15th Annual Meeting of the China  Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CSIAM 2017), Qingdao,      Shandong, China, 13/10/2017-15/10/2017.

      9. Oganizer of 2017 International Symposium on the Frontier of Graph Theory, Xining,      Qinghai, China, 3/6/2017-4/6/2017.

      10. Program   Committee member, Track on Graphs and Interconnection Networks, The 14th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks      (I-SPAN 2017), Exeter, Devon, UK, 21/7/2017-23/7/2017.

      11. Oganizer of 2016 International Symposium on Structural Graph Theory, Xining,   Qinghai, China, 29/10/2016-2/11/2016. Invited Talk: Steiner Tree Packing      Problem and Generalized Connectivity.



    • 2017年12月入选青海省自然科学与工程技术学科带头人.

    • 2017年3月入选青海省“优秀专业技术人才”.

    • 2017年3月入选青海省“135高层次人才培养工程"拔尖学科带头人.

    • 2016年12月首批入选青海省“高端创新人才千人计划"拔尖人才.


    • 2018年8月被授予青海省“优秀专家”荣誉称号.

    • 2014年6月被南开大学授予“南开大学研究生优秀毕业生”荣誉称号.


    • 2018年12月荣获青海省自然科学与工程技术优秀学科带头人.

    • 2013年10月获得南开大学研究生优秀奖学金一等奖.


    • 2016年8月获得第三届全国青年教师教学竞赛三等奖.

    • 2017年12月,景琦同学荣获全国高等学校第五届师范生教学技能大赛三等奖(指导教师).


    • 2017年5月荣获"青海青年五四奖章".



    • 20171-201912月,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目:斯坦纳树填装数猜想与图的树连通度(19),批准号:11601254.

    • 20161-201812月,主持国家自然科学基金应急管理项目:图的广义连通度和斯坦纳距离(15),批准号:11551001.

    • 20147-201712月,参与国家自然科学基金项目: 图的谱特征和色性问题及其关系研究(38), 批准号:11461054.

    • 20131-201712月,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目:图的彩虹连通与广义连通度(55),批准号:11371205.

    • 20121-201512月,参与国家自然科学基金项目:图的代数性质与拓扑指标关系研究(50),批准号:11161037.

    • 20117-201312月,参与青海省自然科学基金项目:代数图论与图的拓扑参数理论研究(6),批准号:2011-Z-907.


    • 20181-201812月,主持国家外专局2018年度教科文卫重点引智项目:结构图论若干问题及其应用(15), 批准号:20176300070.

    • 20171-201712月,主持国家外专局2017年度教科文卫重点引智项目:结构图论若干问题及其应用(8), 批准号:20176300053.

    • 20161-201612月,主持国家外专局2016年度教科文卫重点引智项目:斯坦纳树结构参数研究(8), 批准号:20166300027 .


    • 20191-201912月,负责国家天元数学西北中心前沿学术项目:2019大数据与互联网科学国际研讨会(2),批准号:QY201908.

    • 20181-201812月,负责国家天元数学西北中心前沿学术项目:2018图论、人工智能与复杂网络国际研讨会(8),批准号:QY201808.

    • 20181-201812月,负责国家天元数学西北中心前沿学术项目:数学与人工智能文化传播--青藏高原大师论道(8),批准号:QY201812.


    • 20166-201912月,主持青海省自然科学基金青年项目:图的斯坦纳直径与彩虹连通度(10),批准号:2016-ZJ-948Q.

    • 20161-201712月,主持永利集团校级项目:图的斯坦纳维纳指标(2).

    • 20147-201712月,参与青海省自然科学基金项目面上项目: 图的连通性与代数性质研究(20), 批准号:2014-ZJ-907.

    • 20117-201312月,参与青海省自然科学基金项目:代数图论与图的拓扑参数理论研究(6),批准号:2011-Z-907.


    • 20161-201712月,参与《组合数学》研究生精品课程(2).

    • 20161-201712月,参与《图论及其应用》研究生精品课程(2).


    • 20167-20177月,指导本科生创新项目:斯坦纳结构参数研究(1).



    • Generalized Connectivity of      Graphs, Springer Briefs in Mathematics, Springer, Switzerland, 2016. (with      Xueliang Li)

    • Nordhaus-Gaddum Type Results in      Chemical Graph Theory, Bounds in Chemical Graph Theory--Advances (eds. I.      Gutman, B. Furtula, K.C. Das, E. Milovanovic, I. Milovanovic, Univ.      Kragujevac, Kragujevac, 2017, pp. 3-127.

Survey Papers

    • Steiner distance in graphs-A      survey, arXiv:1708.05779 [math.CO] 2017.

    • A survey on the generalized      connectivity of graphs, arXiv:1207.1838 [math.CO] 2012. (with Xueliang Li)


Submittted Papers

    • Strong matching preclusion for      date center networks, submitted. (with Tianlong Ma, Eddie Cheng, Ping Han)

    • Vertex Matching preclusion number      of graphs, submitted. (with Ran Gu, Zhao Wang, Eddie Cheng, and      Christopher Melekian)

    • On the g-extra connectivity      of graphs,submitted. (with Zhao Wang, and Sun-Yuan Hsieh)

    • On the g-goog neigbor      connectivity of graphs,submitted. (with Zhao Wang, Sun-Yuan Hsieh, and      Jichang Wu)

    • Generalized (edge-)connectivity      of join, corona and cluster, submitted. (with Zhao Wang, Bo Deng, and      Haixing Zhao)

    • Generalized connectivity of      random graphs, submitted. (with Ran Gu)

    • Path connectivity of random      graphs, submitted. (with Ran Gu and Hongjian Lai)

    • Note on the matching preclusion      number of random graphs, submitted. (with Ran Gu)

    • Gallai-Ramsey number for fans,      submitted. (with Zhao Wang, Colton Maganant, Ingo Schiermeyer, and Jinyu      Zou)

    • Ramsey and Gallai-Ramsey. number      for stars with extra independent edges, submitted. (with Zhao Wang, Colton      Maganant, and Ingo Schiermeyer)

    • Ramsey and Gallai-Ramsey number      for wheels, submitted. (with Zhao Wang, Colton Maganant, and Ingo      Schiermeyer)

    • Gallai-Ramsey number for double      stars, submitted. (with Zhao Wang, Colton Maganant, and Jinyu Zou)

    • Ramsey and Gallai-Ramsey numbers      for two classes of unicyclic graphs, submitted. (with Zhao Wang, Jinyu      Zou, and Colton Maganant)

    • Nordhaus-Guddum type results for      the Steiner Gutman index of graphs, submitted. (with Zhao Wang and Kinkar      Chandra Das)

    • Steiner diameter, maximum degree      and size, submitted. (with Zhao Wang)

    • Steiner 3-diameter, maximum      degree and size, submitted.

    • Linear k-arboricity of Caylay      graphs on Abelian groups with given degree, submitted. (with Nan Jia, Zhao      Wang, and Eddie Cheng)

    • Constructing internally disjoint      pendant Steiner trees in lexicographic product networks, submitted (with      Christopher Melekian, and Eddie Cheng)

    • On distance based graph      invariants, submitted. (with Kinkar Chandra Das, Ivan Gutman)

    • Gallai-Ramsey number for odd      cycles, submitted. (with Zhao Wang, Colton Maganant, Ingo Schiermeyer, and      Jinyu Zou)

Accepted Papers

    • Gallai-Ramsey number for books, Discrete Appl. Math., in      press. (with Jinyu Zou, Zhao Wang, Colton Maganant, and Chengfu Ye) (SCI)

    • Fractional matching preclusion      for arrangement graphs, Discrete      Appl. Math., in press. (with Tianlong Ma, Eddie Cheng, and      Jinling Wang) (SCI)

    • Removable edges on a Hamilton      cycle or outside a cycle in a 4-connected graph, Discuss. Math. Graph Theory,      in press (with Jichang Wu, Hajo Broersma, Qin Ma) (SCI)

    • Bounds for the spectral radius      and energy of extended adjacency matrix of graphs, Linear Multilinear Algebra,      in press (with Zhao Wang, Boris Furtula, Xu Wang) (SCI)

    • Strong geodesic number of graphs,      Bull. Malays. Math.      Sci. Soc., in press. (with Zhao Wang, Huifen Ge, Colton      Maganant) (SCI)

    • Conflict-free vertex-connection      of graphs, Discuss.      Math. Graph Theory ,      in press (with Xueliang Li, Xiaoyu Zhu, Yingying Zhang, and S. Jendrol) (SCI)

Published Papers


    • Matching preclusion number of graphs, Theor. Comput. Sci. 759 (2019), 61-71. (with Zhao Wang, Eddie      Cheng, Jinyu Zou) (SCI)

    • Matching preclusion number in product graphs, Theor. Comput. Sci. 755 (2019), 38-47. (with Zhao Wang,      Christopher Melekian, Eddie Cheng) (SCI)

    • On conflict-free connection of graphs, Discrete Appl. Math. 255 (2019), 167-182. (with Hong Chang,      Zhong Huang, Xueliang Li, Haixing Zhao) (SCI)

    • Invulnerability of planar two-tree networks, Theor. Comput. Sci. 767 (2019), 167-182. (with Yuzhi Xiao      and Haixing Zhao, Guanrong Chen) (SCI)

    • Fractional matching preclusion for generalized augmented cubes,      Discrete      Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. 21(4) (2019), #6. (with Tianlong Ma, Eddie Cheng, and      Christopher Melekian) (SCI)

    • Steiner distance in join, corona,      cluster, and threshold graphs, J.      Inf. Sci. Eng. 35      (2019), 721-735. (with Zhao Wang, Christopher Melekian, and      Eddie Cheng) (SCI)

    • Steiner (revised) Szeged index of      graphs, MATCH Commun.      Math. Comput. Chem. 82(3) (2019), 733-742. (with Modjtaba      Ghorbani, Xueliang Li, Hamid Reza Maimani, Shaghayegh Rahmani, Mina      Rajabi-Parsa) (SCI)

    • General blaschke bodies and the      asymmetric negative solutions of Shephard problem, Mathematics 7(7)      (2019), 610. (with Tian Li, Weidong Wang) (SCI)

    • Steiner degree distance of two graph products, An. Sti. Univer. Ovid.      Co.-Seria Mat. 27(2)      (2019), (with Zhao Wang, Kinka Chandra Das) (SCI)

    • A concise survey of matching preclusion in interconnection      networks, JOIN 19(3) (2019), 1940006. (with Eddie Cheng) (EI)


    • Steiner distance in product networks, Discrete Math. Theor.      Comput. Sci. 20(2)      (2018), #8. (with Eddie Cheng and Zhao Wang) (SCI)

    • Strong matching preclusion number of      graphs, Theor.      Comput. Sci. 713 (2018),      11-20. (with Zhao Wang, Eddie Cheng, and Christopher Melekian) (SCI)

    • Steiner Gutman index, MATCH Commun. Math.      Comput. Chem. 79 (2018),      779-794. (with Kinkar Chandra Das) (SCI)

    • Inverse problem on the Steiner Wiener      index, Discuss.      Math. Graph Theory 38      (2018), 83-95. (with Xueliang Li and Ivan Gutman) (SCI)

    • Proper coloring connectivity of graph      products, Bull.      Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 41(4) (2018),      2041-2051. (with Fengnan Yanling, Zhao Wang, and Chengfu Ye) (SCI)

    • A result on the 3-generalized      connectivity of a graph and its line graph, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 41(4) (2018),      2019-2027. (with Yinkui Li) (SCI)

    • Graphs with given k-independence number, Utilitas Math. 106 (2018), 51-64. (with Junliang Cai and      Zhao Wang) (SCI)      

    • Constructing internally disjoint pendant      Steiner trees in Cartesian product networks, Australasian J.      Combin. 70(1)(2018),      28-51. (EI)

    • Steiner 4-diameter of a graph, JOIN 18 (2018),      1850002. (with Zhao Wang, Hengzhe Li, and Chengfu Ye)      (EI)

    • Fractional matching preclusion      for (n,k)-star graphs, Parall.      Process. Lett. 28(04) (2018), 1850017. (with Tianlong Ma,      Eddie Cheng, Jinling Wang)      (EI)

    • The k-independent number of graph      products, Ars      Math. Contemp. 1 (2018),      P01. (with Eddie Cheng, Zhao Wang, and Zhiwei Guo)

    • A note on the Steiner (n-k)-diameter of a      graph, Int.      J. Comput. Math.: CST      3(1) (2018), 41-46. (with Eddie Cheng and Christopher Melekian)


    • Nordhaus-Gaddum-type      results for the Steiner Wiener index of graphs, Discrete Appl. Math.      219(2017) 167-175. (with Zhao Wang, Ivan Gutman, He Li) (SCI)

    • A solution to a conjecture on the      generalized connectivity of graphs, J.      Combin. Optim. 33(1)(2017), 275-282. (with Lily Chen, Xueliang      Li, Mengmeng Liu) (SCI)

    • Steiner degree distance, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem.      78(1)(2017), 221-230. (with Zhao Wang, Ivan Gutman, and Antoaneta      Klobucar) (SCI)

    • Order      trees by the number of subtrees, Int. J. Comput. Math.      94(2)(2017), 372-385. (with Yuzhi Xiao, Haixing Zhao, and Zhen Yan) (SCI)

    • Constructing edge-disjoint      Steiner paths in lexicographic product graphs, Appl. Math. Comput. 308(1)(2017), 1-10. (SCI)

    • The Steiner diameter of a graph, Bull. Iran. Math. Soc. 43(2)(2017), 439-454. (SCI)

    • Conflict-free connection numbers      of line graphs, Lecture      Notes in Computer Science Vol. 10627, Proceedings of COCOA      2017, Shanghai, China (SCI)

    • Steiner Wiener index and      connectivity of graphs, Utilitas      Math. 102(2017), 51-57. (with Zhao Wang, Yuzhi Xiao, and      Chengfu Ye) (SCI)

    • Super edge-connectivity of strong      product graphs, JOIN      17(2) (2017) 1750007. (with Zhao Wang, Chengfu Ye, and Haixing Zhao) (EI)


    • Path connectivity of      lexicographical product graphs,      Int.J. Comput. Math. 93(1)(2016), 27-39. (SCI)

    • The vertex-rainbow index of a      graph, Discuss. Math.      Graph Theory 36(3)(2016), 669-681. (SCI)

    • Rainbow vertex-connection and      graph products, Int. J.      Comput. Math.93(7)(2016), 1078-1092. (with Fengnan Yanling,      Zhao Wang, and Chengfu Ye) (SCI)

    • On the equitable vertex      arboricity of complete bipartite graphs,      Utilitas Math. 99(2016), 403-411. (with Zhiwei Guo, Haixing      Zhao, and Chengfu Ye) (SCI)

    • A small-world network derived      from the deterministic uniform recursive tree by line graph operation, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 49(2016),      115101 (with Pengfeng Hou, Haixing Zhao, and Zhao Wang) (SCI)

    • The Steiner Wiener index of a      graph, Discuss. Math.      Graph Theory 36(2)(2016), 455-465. (with Xueliang Li and Ivan      Gutman) (SCI)

    • Steiner Wiener index of graph products,Trans. Combin. 5(3)(2016), 39-50. (with Zhao Wang and Ivan Gutman) (SCI)

    • The fifth coefficient of adjoint      polynomial and a new invariant, Ars      Combin. 128(2016), 83-102. (with Chengfu Ye) (SCI)

    • Graphs with large generalized      (edge-)connectivity, Discuss.      Math. Graph Theory 36 (2016) 931-958. (with Xueliang Li) (SCI)

    • Line k-arboricity in product      networks, JOIN      16(3,4)(2016), 1650008. (with Zhiwei Guo, Nan Jia, He Li) (EI)


    • On extremal graphs with at most l      internally disjoint Steiner trees connecting any n-1 vertices, Graphs Combin.31(6)(2015),      2231-2259. (with Xueliang Li) (SCI)

    • Nordhaus-Gaddum-type results for      the generalized edge-connectivity of graphs, Discrete Appl. Math. 185(2015),102-112.      (with Xueliang Li) (SCI,EI)

    • Note on the spanning-tree packing      number of lexicographic product graphs, Discrete      Math. 338(5,6)(2015), 669-673. (with Hengzhe Li, Xueliang Li,      and Jun Yue) (SCI)

    • More on a conjecture about      tricyclic graphs with maximal energy, MATCH      Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 73(1)(2015), 11-26. (with Xueliang      Li and Meiqin Wei) (SCI)

    • The minimal size of a graph with      given generalized 3-edge-connectivity, Ars      Combin. 118(2015), 63-72. (with Xueliang Li) (SCI)

    • On the equitable vertex      arboricity of complete tripartite graphs, Inform. Proc. Lett. 115(2015),      977-982. (with Zhiwei Guo and Haixing Zhao) (SCI)

    • Searching (near) optimal codes, Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS)      Vol.9486 (Proceedings of COCOA2015, Houston, USA)(with Xueliang Li, Meiqin      Wei, and Ruihu Li) (SCI)


    • The generalized 3-connectivity of      lexigraphical product graphs,Discrete      Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. 16(1)(2014), 339-354.(with Xueliang      Li) (SCI)

    • On extremal graphs with at most      two internally disjoint Steiner trees connecting any three vertices, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.      (2)37(3)(2014), 747-756. (with Hengzhe Li and Xueliang Li) (SCI)

    • On the generalized      (edge-)connectivity of graphs, Australasian      J. Combin. 58(2)(2014), 304-319. (with Xueliang Li and Yuefang      Sun)

    • The strong rainbow      vertex-connection of graphs, Utilitus      Math. 93(2014), 213-223. (with Xueliang Li and Yongtang Shi) (SCI)

    • Note on the generalized      connectivity, Ars      Combin. 114(2014), 193-202. (with Hengzhe Li, Xueliang Li, and      Yuefang Sun) (SCI)



    • 美国《Mathematical      Reviews》评论员.

    • 中国运筹学会图论组合分会青年理事.

    • 应邀为以下学术期刊审稿:

    • Discrete Mathematics;

    • Discrete Applied Mathematics;

    • Graphs and Combinatorics;

    • Czechoslovak Mathematical      Journal;

    • Discussiones Mathematicae Graph      Theory;

    • Bulletin of the Malaysian      Mathematical Sciences Society;

    • Acta Mathematicae Applicatae      Sinica (English Series) ;

    • International Journal of Computer      Mathematics;

    • Journal of Combinatorial      Optimization;

    • Theoretical Computer Science;

    • Information Processing Letters;

    • Parallel Processing Letters;

    • Journal of Parallel and      Distributed Computing;

    • Applied Mathematics and      Computation;

    • MATCH Communications in      Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry

    • IEEE Transaction on Reliability;

    • Advance in Mathematics;

    • Ars Combinatoria;

    • PLOS ONE;

    • 永利集团学位委员会委员.


    • 青海省政协十二届委员会委员      (2018.1-)

    • 青海省青年联合会第十届委员会委员(2017.1-2018.12),第十一届常委、教育界别副主任委员(2019.1-)

    • 民革青海省省委第八届委员会委员      (2017.6-)

    • 青海省监察厅特邀监察员      (2017.5-)


    • 学术型在读博士研究生: 王 旭 (2019级)

    • 学术型毕业硕士研究生: 葛惠芬(2016级)

    • 学术型在读硕士研究生: 韩 萍 (2017级) 朱 波(2018级) 张双双(2018级) 张 鹤(2018级)司 源(2019级) 王 珂(2019级) 苏靖宇(2019级)

    • 专业型在读硕士研究生: 解晓莉(2018级) 徐 倩      (2018级)


    • Miklós Simonovits Hungarian      Academy of Sciences, 28/10/2016-4/11/2016, Talk Title: Various      Applications of the Stability Method in Extremal Graph Theory and Related      Areas;

    • 林宇清,      University of Newcastle, 28/10/2016-2/11/2016, Talk Title: Factorization      of Regular Graphs;

    • 刘九强,      Eastern Michigan University      USA, 28/10/2016-30/10/2016Talk Title: Cross      t-intersecting Families in Set Systems;

    • 傅恒霖,台湾交通大学,28/10/2016-4/11/2016, Talk Title: Multicolored      Subgraphs in Properly Edge-colored Graphs;

    • 高金美,台湾淡江大学28/10/2016-4/11/2016,      Talk Title: Graph Decomposition;

    • Henry      Liu, 中南大学8/10/2016-4/11/2016, Talk Title: Connected Subgraphs in Edge-Coloured      Graphs;

    • Colton Magnant,      Georgia Southern University, USA, 8/10/2016-4/11/2016,Talk      Title: Gallai-Ramsey numbers for finding either a rainbow triangle or some      small monochromatic subgraphs; /7/2017-31/7/2017, Talk Title:Gallai-Ramsey      numbers - General bounds and sharp cases

    • 郁星星,Georgia Institute of Technology,      USA, 8/10/2017-4/11/2017, Talk Title: On judicious bipartitions of graphs;      9/7/2017-30/7/2017, Talk TitleProblems related to      the Four Color Theorem

    • 宋梓霞,      University of Central Florida, USA, 8/10/2017-4/11/2017, Talk      Title: On saturated      graphs; 29/7/2017-30/7/2017, Talk Title: Multicolor Gallai-Ramsey numbers      of cycles;

    • Ioannis Manoussakis,      University Paris South, France, 8/10/2017-4/11/2017, Talk Title:      Algorithmic and structural results on the existence of tropical subgraphs      in vertex-colored graphs;

    • Kinkar Chandra Das, Sungkyunkwan      University, USA, 8/10/2017-4/1/2018, Talk Title: Comparison between      topological indecies of graphs;

    • Alexander Anatolievich Ivanov,      Imperial College London, UK, 24/4/2018-27/4/2018, Talk Title: The Mathieu      Groups;

    • Elena Konstantinova, Novosibirsk      State University, 24/4/2018-27/4/2018, Talk Title: Chromatic properties of      Cayley graphs;

    • Julien Bensmail, University of      Côte d’Azur, France, 24/4/2018-27/4/2018, Talk Title: On augmenting      matchings via bounded-length augmentations;

    • 罗荣,West      Virginia University, USA,24/4/2018-27/4/2018, Talk Title: Edge coloring of      simple graphs on surfaces;

    • Johanne Cohen, French National      Centre for Scientific Research, France, 24/5/2018-27/5/2018, Talk Title:      Self-stabilizing algorithms for matching

    • Evelyne Flandrin, University      Paris South, France, 24/5/2018-27/5/2018, Talk Title: Cycles in graphs and      in prisms of graphs

    • Antoine Lobstein, French National      Centre for Scientific Research, France, 24/5/2018-27/5/2018, Talk Title:      On codes identifying vertices in graphs

    • Ioannis Manoussakis, University      Paris South, France, 24/5/2018-27/5/2018, Talk Title: Subgraphs with      specified color properties in vertex- or edge-colored graphs

    • 李皓,      French National Centre for Scientific Research, France,      24/5/2018-27/5/2018, Talk Title: On pancyclic

    • 陈冠涛,Georgia      State University ,USA,25/7/2018-1/8/2018Talk Title:Progress on      Goldberg’s conjecture

    • Ingo Schiermeyer, Freiberg      University of Mining and Technology,Germany, 27/7/2018-30/7/2018, Talk      Title: Gallai Ramsey number for K_4 and K_5

    • Hajo Broersma,University      of Twente ,Netherlands, 27/7/2018-5/8/2018, Talk Title: The power of      closure operations

    • 赖虹建,West      Virginia University, USA,26/7/2018-31/7/2018,Talk Title:Some progress on      the group connectivity and modular orientations of graphs

    • Akira SaitoNihon      UniversityJapan      29/7/2018-30/7/2018, Talk Title: Hamiltonian bipartite graphs in dense      graphs

    • 卫兵,University      of Mississippi USA,25/7/2018-1/8/2018, Talk      Title: Independent bondage number of a graph

    • 周向前,Wright      State University USA,25/7/2018-31/7/2018,      Talk Title:Induction for 4-connected matroids and graphs

    • Kenta Ozeki Yokohama      National University Japan      27/7/2018-31/7/2018, Talk Title:Every 4-connected graph with crossing      number 2 is hamiltonian

    • Shinya Fujita Yokohama City University      Japan      27/7/2018-31/7/2018, Talk Title:      Some recent results on safe sets in graphs

    • 吴方向,University      of Saskatchewan, Canada 20/6/2018-22/6/2018,      Talk Title:Computational Network Biology

    • Boris Furtula, University of      Kragujevac, Serbia, 12/5/2019-24/5/2019, Talk Title: Molecular Descriptors      and Their Quality–Testing;


    • 青海省第十二届政协委员培训班,全国政协干部培训中心,北戴河,9/4/2018-15/4/2018.

    • 第十四期民革中青年干部培训班,中央社会主义学院, 北京,10/4/2017-21/4/2017.

    • 青海省高层次人才国情研修班,海北州委党校,西海镇,海北州, 2016.

