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陈占寿 教授





2021.3        青海省昆仑英才教学名师

2018.9-2019.8 中科院数学与系统科学研究院,西部之光访问学者

2018.12       青海省第九批省级骨干教师        

2017.12       青海省自然科学与工程领域学科带头人

2017.8        青海省高端创新人才千人计划拔尖人才

2017.3        青海省高校“135高层次人才”拔尖学科带头人

2015.9-2016.9 加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学,访问学者

2015.1-       永利集团,教授

2008.3-2011.6 西北工业大学,博士

2003.9-2006.6 永利集团,硕士

1999.9-2003.6 永利集团,本科





1. 国家自然科学基金地区项目:金融市场风险测度变点的统计推断, 2022.1-2025.12, 编号:12161072, 32万元.  主持

2. 国家自然科学基金地区项目:长记忆时间序列多变点问题统计推断及应用, 2017.1-2020.12, 编号:11661067, 40万元. 主持

3. 国家自然科学青年基金:基于Sieve Bootstrap方法的长记忆过程变点分析与应用,2014.12016.1222万元. 编号:11301291. 主持

4. 中科院西部地区青年人才A项目:基于密度比模型的小区域估计,2017-2020, 21万元,编号:3-9. 主持

5. 青海省自然科学基金面上项目:重尾序列变点推断及应用,2019.1-2021.1240万元,编号:2019-ZJ-920.  主持

6. 青海省自然科学基金应用基础研究项目:分整自回归滑动平均模型变点分析及其应用,2015.7-2017.1215万元,编号:2015-ZJ-717. 主持

7. 青海省自然科学基金青年项目:长相依序列持久性变点分析与应用研究,2012.72014.125万元,编号:2012-929Q. 主持

8. 国家天元数学西北中心“随机分析与量化金融”主题年活动项目高频金融计量及金融风险测度学术研讨会2022.11.11-138万元. 主持

9. 国家天元数学西北中心前沿学术交流活动项目:高维数据变点分析与小区域估计国际学术研讨会2021, 7.17-18, 7万元,编号:DQ202102.

10. 国家天元数学西北中心地区发展活动项目:西部地区青年概率统计学者论坛,2019, 6.21-23, 2万元,编号:DQ201903. 主持

11. 国家自然科学基金西部项目:区间参数型不确定优化问题的进化算法研究,2015.12018.1242万元编号:61463045. 排名第2

12. 国家自然科学基金西部项目:代理模型和统计技术驱动的高效混合进化算法研究2020.12023.1239万元编号:61966030. 排名第3

13. 国家自然科学基金西部项目:复杂双层规划问题的高性能可信进化算法研究, 2011.12013. 1228万元编号:61065009. 排名第2

14. 教育部人文社会科学基金项目:水环境质量动态评价与预测的统计建模研究与应用—以湟水流域为例,2012.12015.129万元编号:11XJA910001. 排名第4

15. 青海省自然科学基金面上项目:概率分布驱动的智能优化算法研究,2018.01-2020.1232万元,编号:2018-ZJ-901.  排名第2

16. 青海省自然科学基金青年项目:区间系数优化问题的进化算法及应用研究,2013.7-2015.127万元编号:2013-Z-937Q. 排名第3

17. 青海省教育科学“十三五”规划2019年度重点课题,2019.1-2021.8,编号:19QJG172万元,结题鉴定优秀,排名第2


1. Liu Yin, Zhou J., Chen Zhanshou*, Zhang X. A general averaging method for count data with overdispersion and/or excess zeros in biomedicine. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2023, 32(5): 904-926.  SCI

2. Ri Xi-hame, Chen Zhanshou*, Liang Y. Detecting Structural Change Point in ARMA Models via Neural Network Regression and LSCUSUM Methods. Entropy, 2023, 25(1): 133.

3. 石雅琳,陈占寿*. 自正则检验关于方差变点的稳健性分析. 永利集团学报自然科学版 2023, 39(1): 37-47.

4. Chen Zhanshou*, Li F., Zhu L., Xing Y. Monitoring mean and variance change-points in long-memory time series. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2022, 35: 1009-1029.  SCI

5. Chen Zhanshou*, Peng M., Xi L. A new procedure for unit root to long-memory process change-point monitoring. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(4): 6467-6477. SCI

6. Jia Xiuqin, Chen Zhanshou*, Liang Y. (2022). Sequential test for change-point in long memory process. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, ID 9057587.  SCI

7. 成守尧,陈占寿*,娘毛措,汪肖阳. 一类长记忆时间序列趋势项变点的Wilcoxon秩检验. 浙江大学学报(理学版), 2022, 49(4): 427-434.

8. 娘毛措,陈占寿*,成守尧,汪肖阳. 具有长记忆误差线性回归模型参数变点的在线监测. 山东大学学报(理学版), 2022, 57(4): 91-99.

9. Qin Quibing, Yang X., Chen Zhanshou. Ratio detections for change point in heavy tailed observations. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 2022, 51(5): 2487-2510.  SCI

10. 李拂晓,肖燕婷,陈占寿. 累积Logistic回归模型结构变点的序贯检验. 应用数学, 2022, 35(2): 402-411.

11. 原文萃,陈占寿*.基于抽样加权和密度比模型的小区域分位数估计. 永利集团学报自然科学版 2022, 38(2): 1-3.

12. Chen Zhanshou, Xiao, Y., Li, F. Monitoring memory parameter change points in long-memory time series. Empirical Economics, 2021, 60: 2365-2389.  SSCI 

13. Wang Xiaoyang, Chen Zhanshou*, Cheng S., Niang M. Bootstrap test for relevant change in heavy tailed time series. 2021 17th International Conferenceon Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS), 362-366.  EI

14. Li F., Chen Zhanshou, Xiao Y. (2020). Sequential change-point detection in a multinomial logistic regression model, Open Mathematics, 18(1): 807-819.  SCI

15. 朱莉,陈占寿,刘向丽,杨晓光,(2020). 沪深300股指期现货市场时变信息溢出因果检验——基于时变DCC-GARCH-Hong方法和LRSM断点检验.系统科学与数学,40(11): 1901-1917.

16. 李拂晓,陈占寿,(2020). 多元logistic回归模型的结构变点估计,数学的实践与认识,509):122-131.

17. Peng, Muci, Chen, zhanshou, & He, Mingchan(2020). Bootstrap approximating the mean of long memory time series. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1624, 032003. EI.

18. Chen, Zhanshou, Chen, J., & Zhang, Q. (2019). Small area quantile estimation via spline regression and empirical likelihood. Survey Methodology, 45(1), 81-99. SSCISCI

19. Chen, Zhanshou, Xu, Q., & Li, H. (2019). Inference for multiple change points in heavy-tailed time series via rank likelihood ratio scan statistics. Economics Letters, 179, 53-56. SSCI

20. WEI, Q. Y., CHEN, Z. S., & PENG, M. C. (2019). A New Ratio Statistic to Test Mean Change Point in Long Memory Time Series. DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research, (2019 International Conference on Advanced Electrical, Mechatronics and Computer Engineering (AEMCE)) 218-222. EI

21. 吉毛加,陈占寿 & 栗慧妮. (2019). 长记忆时间序列趋势项变点的CUSUM检验. 永利集团学报: 自然科学版, 35(2), 14-20.

22. Xiao, Y., & Chen, Zhanshou. (2018). Estimation and inference for varying coefficient partially nonlinear errors-in-variables models. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 47(7), 2023-2039. SCI

23. Xiao, Y.T., & Chen, Zhanshou. (2018). Bias-corrected estimations in varying- coefficient partially nonlinear models with measurement error in the nonparametric part. Journal of Applied Statistics, 45(4), 586-603. SCI

24. 王芳芳, 许长军, 陈占寿, 侯小青, & 王青波. (2018). 基于地理因子的现代降水空间模拟方法探讨水文, 38(4), 55-61.

25. Li, F., Tian, Z., Chen, Zhanshou, & Qi, P. (2017). Monitoring distributional changes of squared residuals in GARCH models. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 46(1), 354-372. SCI

26. Lv, N., Chen, Z. S., & Ma, J. Q. (2017). On-line Monitoring Long Memory Parameter Change Point in FARIMA Processes. 

27. 马健琦, 陈占寿, & 吕娜. (2017). 基于 Sieve Bootstrap 方法的长记忆过程均值变点的检验永利集团学报: 自然科学版, 33(2), 34-38.

28. Chen, Zhanshou, Tian, Z., & Xing, Y. (2016). Sieve bootstrap monitoring persistence change in long memory process. Statistics and Its Interface, 9(1), 37-45. SCI

29. Chen, Zhanshou, Xing, Y., & Li, F. (2016). Sieve bootstrap monitoring for change from short to long memory. Economics Letters, 140, 53-56. SSCI

30. 陈占寿. (2016). 基于模拟实验的假设检验教学数学教育学报, (2016 01), 31-33. EI

31. Chen, Zhanshou.. (2015). Monitoring Change in Persistence Against the Null of Difference-Stationarity in Infinite Variance Observations. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 44(1), 71-87. SCI

32. Li, F., Tian, Z., Xiao, Y., & Chen, Zhanshou. (2015). Variance change-point detection in panel data models. Economics Letters, 126, 140-143. SSCI

33. Li, F., Tian, Z., Qi, P., & Chen, Zhanshou.. (2015). Monitoring parameter changes in RCA (p) models. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 44(1), 111-122. SCI

34. LI, F., TIAN, Z., & Chen, Zhanshou. (2015). Monitoring Distributional Changes in Autoregressive Models Based on Weighted Empirical Process of Residuals. Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications, 35(3), 330-342.

35. 李拂晓, 田铮, & 陈占寿. (2015). ARCH 模型分布变点监测与应用数学的实践与认识, (2), 211-218.

36. Chen, Zhanshou, & Tian, Z. (2014). Ratio tests for variance change in nonparametric regression. Statistics, 48(1), 1-16. SCI

37. Chen, Zhanshou. (2014). On-line monitoring the stationarity for time seires. In Applied Mechanics and Materials (Vol. 444, pp. 687-691). Trans Tech Publications. EI

38. 陈占寿, & 田铮. (2014). 含趋势项时间序列持久性变点监测系统工程理论与实践, 34(4), 936-943. EI

39. Chen Zhanshou, Luo X. & Xing Y. (2014). Sieve bootstrap test for variance change in long memory time series. International Joint Conference on Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Public Administration (AMSPA 2014).

40. 陈占寿, & 乔爱芳. (2014). 几种水文序列变异点诊断方法的性能比较永利集团学报: 自然科学版, (3), 1-5.

41. Qi, P., Jin, Z., Tian, Z., & Chen, Zhanshou. (2013). Monitoring persistent change in a heavy-tailed sequence with polynomial trends. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 42(4), 497-506. SCI

42. 秦瑞兵, 田铮, & 陈占寿. (2013). 独立随机序列均值多变点的非参数检测应用概率统计, 29(5), 449-457.

43. Chen, Zhanshou, Jin, Z., Tian, Z., & Qi, P. (2012). Bootstrap testing multiple changes in persistence for a heavy-tailed sequence. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 56(7), 2303-2316. SCI

44. Chen, Zhanshou, Tian, Z., & Zhao, C. (2012). Monitoring persistence change in infinite variance observations. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 41(1), 61-73. SCI

45. Chen, Zhanshou, & Tian, Z. (2012). Moving ratio test for multiple changes in persistence. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 25(3), 582-593. SCI

46. 李拂晓, 田铮, & 陈占寿. (2012). 随机系数自回归模型变均值点在线监测与应用控制理论与应用, 29(4), 497-502. EI

47. Chen, Zhanshou, Tian, Z., & Qin, R. (2011). Monitoring variance change in infinite order moving average processes and nonstationary autoregressive processes. Communications in Statistics—Theory and Methods, 40(7), 1254-1270. SCI

48. 田铮, 赵春辉, & 陈占寿. (2011). 非参数回归模型均值函数结构变点的检测与应用控制理论与应用, 28(3), 351-357. EI

49. 魏岳嵩, 田铮, & 陈占寿. (2011). 向量自回归模型 Granger 因果图的条件互信息辨识与应用控制理论与应用, 28(7), 979-986. EI

50. 赵春晖,田铮,陈占寿. (2011). 非参数模型均值函数结构变点的Bootstrap检测. 数理统计与管理,30(4), 629-638.

51. 刘向增, 田铮, 史振广, & 陈占寿. (2011). 基于 FKICA-SIFT 特征的合成孔径图像多尺度配准光学 精密工程, 19(9), 2186-2196.

52. Chen, Zhanshou, Tian, Z., & Wei, Y. (2010). Monitoring change in persistence in linear time series. Statistics & probability letters, 80(19-20), 1520-1527. SCI

53. Chen, Zhanshou, & Tian, Z. (2010). Modified procedures for change point monitoring in linear models. Mathematics and computers in simulation, 81(1), 62-75. SCI

54. Chen, Zhanshou, Tian, Z., & Qin, R. (2010). Sequential monitoring variance change in linear regression model. J. Math. Res. Exposition, 30(4), 610-618.

55. Chen, Zhanshou, Tian, Z., & Liu, X. Wavelet test for change in nonparametric function with variance shift random walk noise. In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Management Science (ICAMS 2010). EI

56. 陈占寿, 田铮, & 丁明涛. (2010). 线性回归模型参数变点的在线监测系统工程理论与实践, 30(6), 1047-1054. EI

57. 陈占寿, & 田铮. (2010). 一类厚尾随机信号平稳性的在线 bootstrap 监测控制理论与应, 27(7), 933-938. EI

58. 袁芳, 田铮, 苏晓丽, & 陈占寿. (2010). 独立序列均值与方差变点的累积和估计及应用控制理论与应用, 27(3), 395-399. EI

59. Wei Yuesong, Tian Z., Chen Zhanshou, Leng C. (2010). Identification of structral vector autoregressive model based on time series chain graphs. 2010 3rd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP2010), 3423-3427.






美国数学评论评论员, 2016-


1. 论文《Ratio test for variance change in nonparametric regression》获青海省2013-2014年度青海省自然科学优秀学术论文奖三等奖青海省人民政府,2016.11.

2. 论文《Bootstrap testing for multiple change points in heavy-tailed sequence》获青海省2011-2012年度青海省自然科学优秀学术论文奖三等奖青海省人民政府,2013.12.

3. 基于模拟实验的统计学专业课程教学模式创新与实践,2020年永利集团校级第二届教学成果三等奖,永利集团,2020.12.

4. 小岛奖教金获得者,青海省教育厅,2012.

5. 全国老员工统计建模大赛二等奖指导教师,中国统计教育学会,2015.11.

6. 第三届青海省老员工数学建模竞赛优秀指导教师,员工获二等奖,青海省教育厅,2015.8

7. 第二届青海省老员工数学建模竞赛优秀指导教师,员工获二等奖,青海省教育厅,2014.8




